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Bibliography - EECS 431-20, Comm Studies 525-23 Fall 2009 |
Allen, James. (1995). Natural Language
Understanding, 2nd edition. Benjamin/Cummings.
E. Andre, et al. (2004). "Endowing Spoken Language Dialogue System with Emotional Intelligence", Affective Dialogue Systems, E. Andre, et al. (eds.), Springer, pp. 178-187. Bavelas, J. B., N. Chovil, et al. (1995). “Gestures Specialized for Dialogue.” Personality and Social Psychology 21(4): 394-405. Bickmore, T. and Cassell, J. (to appear). "'How about this weather?' - Social Dialogue with Embodied Conversational Agents." Proceedings of the AAAI Fall Symposium on Socially Intelligent Agents. North Falmouth, MA, 2000 T. Bickmore and R. Picard (2005). "Establishing and Maintaining Long-term Human-Computer Relationships", ACM Transactions on Computer Human Interaction (ToCHI) 12(2), 293-327. Bloomer, A., Griffiths, P., and Merrison, A.J. (2005). Introducing Language in Use. New York, NY: Routledge. Brennan, S. E. (2005). How conversation is shaped by visual and spoken evidence. In J. C. Trueswell & M. K. Tanenhaus (Eds.), Approaches to studying world-situated language use: Bridging the language-as-product and language-as-action traditions (pp. 95-129). Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. Brown, G. & Yule, G. (1983). Discourse Analysis. Cambridge University Press. Brown, P. & Levinson, S. (1978). "Universals in language usage: Politeness phenomena". In Questions and Politeness: Strategies in Social Interaction (Goody, ed.), pp. 56-311. Brown, P., & Levinson, S.(1987). "Politeness: some universals in language usage". Cambridge University Press. Buck, R. (1991). “Social Factors in Facial Display and Communication: a Reply to Chovil and Others.” Journal of Nonverbal Behavior 15(3): 155-162. Byron, D. K., Mampilly, T., Sharma, V., & Xu, T. (2005). Utilizing visual attention for cross-modal coreference interpretation. Fifth International and Interdisciplinary Conference on Modeling and Using Context (CONTEXT-05). Paris, France. Carletta, J., Isard, A., Isard, S., Kowtko, J. C., Doherty-Sneddon, G., and Anderson, A. H. (1997). "The Reliability of a Dialogue Structure Coding Scheme". Computational Linguistics 23(1):13-31. Carenini G. and Moore D. J., (2001). "An Empirical Study of the Influence of User Tailoring on Evaluative Argument Effectiveness," In the Proceedings of the 17th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI 2001), Seattle, USA. Cassell, J. (2000) "Nudge Nudge Wink Wink: Elements of Face-to-Face Conversation for Embodied Conversational Agents", in Cassell, J. et al. (eds.), Embodied Conversational Agents. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA. Cassell, J., Ananny, M., Basu, A., Bickmore, T., Chong, P., Mellis, D.,
Ryokai, K., Smith, J., Vilhjálmsson, H., Yan, H. "Shared Reality: Physical
Collaboration with a Cassell, J., Bickmore, T., Vilhjálmsson, H., and Yan, H. "More Than Just a Pretty Face: Affordances of Embodiment" in Proceedings of 2000 International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces, New Orleans, Louisiana, 2000 Cassell, J., Gill, A., & Tepper, P. (2007). Coordination in conversation and rapport. Proceedings of the Workshop on Embodied Natural Language. Prague, CZ. Cassell, J. and K. Ryokai (1999). “Making Space for Voice: Technologies to Support Children's Fantasy and Storytelling.” Personal Technologies to appear. Cassell, J. & Vilhjalmsson, H. (1999). Fully Embodied Conversational Avatars: making Communicative Behaviors Autonomous. To appear in: Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems Journal (2). ACM. Cassell, J., Torres, O. and Prevost, S. (1999). "Turn Taking vs. Discourse Structure: How Best to Model Multimodal Conversation." In Wilks, Y. (ed.), Machine Conversations. The Hague: Kluwer. Cassell, J. (2000). Nudge Nudge Wink Wink: Elements of Face-to-Face Conversation for Embodied Conversational. Cassell, J., Bickmore, T., Vilhjalmsson, H., Yan, H. (2001). "More Than Just a Pretty Face: Conversational Protocols and the Affordances of Embodiment." Knowledge-Based Systems 14: 55-64. Cassell, J., Nakano, Y., Bickmore, T., Sidner, C., Rich, C. (2001). “Non-Verbal Cues for Discourse Structure.” Proceedings of the 41st Annual Meeting of the Association of Computational Linguistics. Cassell, J (under review) “Towards a Model of Technology and Literacy Development: Story Listening Systems.” Also published as Tech Report ML-GNL-01-1. Cassell, J. (2000). Nudge nudge wink wink: Elements of face-to-face conversation for embodied conversational
agents. In J. Cassell, J. Sullivan, S. Prevost,
and E. Churchill, editors, Embodied Conversational Chafe, Wallace. (1994). Discourse, Consciousness, and Time. The University of Chicago Press. Chai, J. Y., Prasov, Z., Blaim, J., & Jin, R. (2005). Linguistic theories in efficient multimodal reference resolution: An empirical investigation. Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI '05) (pp. 43-50). San Diego, CA: NY: ACM Press. Chovil, Nicole (1991). Discourse-Oriented Facial Displays in Conversation. Research on Language and Social Interaction (25), pp. 163-194. Chovil, N. and A. Fridlund (1991). “Why Emotionality Cannot Equal Sociality: Reply to Buck.” Journal of Nonverbal Behavior 15(3): 163-167. Clark, H. H., & Schaefer, E. F. (1989). "Contributing to discourse". Cognitive Science, 13, 259-294. Clark, H. H., & Brennan, S. E. (1991). "Grounding in communication". In L. B. Resnick, J. Levine, & S. D. Teasley (Eds.), Perspectives on socially shared cognition, pp. 127-149. Clark, H. H. (1996). Using language. New York, NY, US: Cambridge University Press. [Chapters 2-4, pp. 29-121: Joint activities, joint actions and common ground] Cole, R.A., Mariani, J., Uszkoreit, H., Zaeman, A., and Zue, V. (1996). Survey of the State of the Art in Human Language Technology. Cambridge University Press. Core, M. G., & Allen, J. (1997). Coding dialogs with the DAMSL annotation scheme. Working notes of the AAAI Fall Symposium on Communicative Action in Humans and Machines. Dahlbäck, N.; Jönsson, A. and Ahrenberg, L. (1993). "Wizard of Oz Studies - Why and How". Proceedings of the 1993 International Workshop on Intelligent User Interfaces. (W. Gray, W.E. Hefley and D. Murray, eds.), ACM Press, pp. 193-199. Dale, Robert and Reiter, Ehud. (1995). Computational Interpretations of the Gricean Maxims in the Generation of Referring Expressions. Cognitive Science, 19:233-263. Devault, D., Kariaeva, N., Kothari, A., Oved, I., & Stone, M. (2005). An information-state approach to collaborative reference. Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL 2005), Companion Volume. Doug DeCarlo, Matthew Stone, Corey Revilla and Jennifer J. Venditti. (2004) "Specifying and animating facial signals for discourse in embodied conversational agents." Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds, 15:1, pages 27-38. Dillenbourg, P., Traum, D., and Schneider, D. (1996). "Grounding in
Multi-modal Task-Oriented Collaboration". Proceedings of the EuroAI
&Education Conference. Duncan, Starkey. (1974). "Some Signals and Rules for Taking Speaking Turns in Conversations". Nonverbal Communication (Weitz, ed.). Oxford University Press. Engdahl, Elisabet & Vallduvi, Enric. (1994). "Information packaging and grammar architecture: A constraint-based approach". Integrating informaiton structure into constraint-based and categorial approaches (E. Engdahl, ed.). CLLI. Ervin-Tripp, S. and A. Kuntay (1997). The Occasioning and Structure of Conversational Stories. Conversation: Cognitive, communicative and social perspectives. T. Givon. Philadelphia, John Benjamins: 133-166. Ess, C., and Sudweeks, F. (2005). Culture and computer-mediated communication: Toward new understandings. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 11(1), article 9. Fromkin & Rodman. (1983). "Chapter 6: Semantics". An introduction to linguistics, 4th edition. Gee, J. P. (1985). Two styles of narrative construction and their linguistic and educational implications. Journal of Education, 171(1), 97–115. Gee, J. P., & Green, J. L. (1998). Discourse Analysis, Learning, and Social Practice: A Methodological Study. Review of Research in Education, Vol. 23, 119-169. Gergle, D., Kraut, R. E., & Fussell, S. R. (2004). Language efficiency and visual technology: Minimizing collaborative effort with visual information. Journal of Language & Social Psychology, 23(4), 491-517. Gergle, D., Rosé, C. P., & Kraut, R. E. (2007). Modeling the impact of shared visual information on collaborative reference. ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2007) (pp. 1543-1552). NY: ACM Press. Goodwin, Charles. (1981). Conversational Organization. Academic Press. Goffman, Erving. (1983). Forms of Talk. University of Pennsylvania Publication. Grice, Paul. (1989). Studies in the Way of Words. Harvard University Press. Grosz, Barbara; Pollack, Martha; Sidner, Candace. (1989). " Discourse". In Foundations of Cognitive Science (M. Posner, ed.). The MIT Press. Grosz, B. and C. Sidner (1986). “Attention, Intentions, and the Structure of Discourse.” Computational Linguistics 12(3): 175-204. Grosz. Barbara & Sidner, Candace. (1990). "Plans for Discourse". Intentions in Communication (Cohen, P.; Morgan, J.; Pollack M., eds.). The MIT Press. Halpin, Harry, Moore, Johanna D. and Robertson, Judy. (2004). "Automatic Analysis of Plot for Story Rewriting," to appear in Proceedings of Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP), Barcelona Spain, July 25-26. Heeman, P; Byron, D; Allen, James. (1998). "Identifying Discourse Markers in Spoken Dialog". Proceedings of the AAAI Spring Symposium on Applying Machine Learning and Discourse Processing. Hiyakumoto, Laurie; Prevost, Scott; Cassell, Justine. (1997). Semantic and Discourse Information for Text-to-Speech Intonation. Proceedings of ACL Workshop on Concept-to-Speech Technology. Holler, J. & Stevens, R. (2007) The Effect of Common Ground on How Speakers Use Gesture and Speech to Represent Size Information. Journal of Language and Social Psychology, Vol. 26, No. 1, 4-27 (2007) Horton, W. S., & Spieler, D. H. (2007). Age-related differences in communication and audience design. Psychology and Aging, 22, 281-290. Jarmon, Leslie. (1996). An Ecology of Embodied Interaction: Turn-Taking and Interactional Syntax in Face-to-Face Encounters. Ph.D. Dissertation. University of Texas at Austin. Jaworski, Adam & Coupland, Nikolas. (1999) The Discourse Reader. New York, NY: Routledge. Jefferson, Gail. (1978). "Sequential Aspects of Storytelling in Conversation". Studies in the Organization of Conversational Interaction, pp. 219-248. Academic Press. Jurafsky, D., & Martin, J. H. (2008). Dialogue and conversational agents - Chapter 24. In Speech and Language Processing: An Introduction to Natural Language Processing, Computational Linguistics and Speech Recognition, 2nd edition. NJ: Prentice Hall. Kehler, Andrew. (2000). "Discourse". In Jurafsky, D. & Martin, J., Speech and Language Processing. New Jersey: Prentice Hall. Kehler, Andrew (2004). "Discourse Coherence". Handbook of Pragmatics, L. Horn and G. Ward (eds.). Kendon, Adam. (1990). Conducting Interaction: Patterns of behavior in focused encounters. Cambridge University Press. Kendon, Adam. (1992) "The Negotiation of Context in Face-to-Face Interaction." Excerpt reprinted in Jaworski, A. & Coupland, N. (1999) The Discourse Reader. New York, NY: Routledge. Kopp, Stefan, Tepper, Paul and Cassell, Justine. (2004). "Towards Integrated Microplanning of Language and Iconic Gesture for Multimodal Output." In the Proceedings of the International Conference on Multimodal Interfaces (ICMI) 2004. Oct. 14-15, Penn State University, State College, PA. Kruijff-Korbayová, Ivana and Steedman, Mark. "Discourse and Information Structure," (2003), Journal of Logic, Language and Information, Vol. 12, 249-259. Landau, B. and R. Jackendoff. (1993). "'What' and 'where'" in spatial language and spatial cognition. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 16,217-265. Lesh, N., C. Rich, et al. (1999). Using Plan Recognition in Human-Computer Collaboration. Proceedings of the Conference on User Modelling, Banff, Canada, Springer Wien New York. Levinson, Stephen. (1983). Pragmatics. Cambridge University Press. Matheson, Colin, Poesio, Massimo, and Traum, David. (2000) "Modelling Grounding and Discourse Obligations Using Update Rules," in the Proceedings of the 1st Annual Meeting of the North American Association for Computational Linguistics (NAACL2000), May 2000. McNeill, David. (1992). Hand and Mind: What Gestures Reveal about Thought. University of Chicago Press. McKeown, Kathleen. (1983), "Paraphrasing Questions Using Given and New information" Computational Linguistics. Mehan, H. (1985). "The structure of classroom discourse". Handbook of discourse analysis (vol. 3). London: Academic Press. Moser, Megan & Moore, Johanna. (1995). "Investigating Cue Selection and Placement in Tutorial Discourse". Proceedings of the 33rd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, pp. 130-135. Nagao, K. and Takeuchi, A. (1994). Speech Dialogue with Facial Displays: Multimodal Human-Computer Conversation, ACL-94, pp. 102-109. Nakano, Y. I., Reinstein, G., Stocky, T., & Cassell, J. (2003). Towards a model of face-to-face grounding. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (pp. 553-561). Sapporo, Japan. Nass, C., Isbister, K., and Lee, E. (2000). "Truth is Beauty: Researching Embodied Conversation Agents". in Cassell, J. et al. (eds.), Embodied Conversational Agents. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. Ochs, Elinor. (1979) "Transcription as Theory." Excerpt reprinted in Jaworski, A. & Coupland, N. (1999) The Discourse Reader. New York, NY: Routledge. Oviatt, S. (1995). "Predicting spoken disfluencies during human-computer interaction." Computer Speech and Language 9: 19-35. Paek, T., & Horvitz, E. (1999). Uncertainty, utility and misunderstanding: A decision-theoretic perspective on grounding in conversational systems. AAAI Fall Symposium on Psychological Models of Communication in Collaborative Systems (p. 8). Pautler, D. and Qulici, A. (1998). A Computational Model of Social Perlocutions. Proceedings COLING/ACL. Pelachaud, C.; Badler, N.; Steedman, M.; (1994). "Generating Facial Expressions for Speech". Cognitive Science, 1994. Pierrehumbert, Janet & Hirschberg, Julia (1990). "The Meaning of Intonational Contours in the Interpretation of Discourse". Intentions in Communication (Cohen, Morgan, Pollack, eds). MIT Press. Pineda, L. (2003) "Multimodal generation, spatial language and illustration." In the Proceedings of Eurographics 2003. Granada, Spain. September. Planalp, S. (1993). "Friends' and Acquaintances' Conversations II: Coded Differences", Journal of Social and Personal Relationships 10, 339-354. Poggi, Isabella & Pelachaud, Catherine. (2000) "Performative Facial Expressions in Animated Faces." in Cassell, J. et al. (eds.), Embodied Conversational Agents. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA. Polanyi, Livia. (1989) Telling the American Story. MIT Press. Prevost, Scott. (1996). "Modeling Contrast in the Generation and Synthesis of Spoken Language." Proceedings of ICSLP (Fourth International Conference on Spoken Language Processing). Prince, Ellen. (1981). "Towards a Taxonomy of Given-New Information". Radical Pragmatics (P. Cole, ed.). Academic Press, Inc. Prince, Ellen. (1992) The ZPG letter: subjects, definiteness, and information-status. In Thompson, S. and Mann, W., eds. Discourse description: diverse analyses of a fund raising text. Philadelphia/Amsterdam: John Benjamins B.V. Pp. 295-325. Rich, C. and C. L. Sidner (1998). COLLAGEN: A collaboration manager for software interface agents. Cambridge, MA, Mitsubishi Electric Information Technology Center America. Richardson, D. C., & Dale, R. (2005). Looking to understand: The coupling between speakers' and listeners' eye movements and its relationship to discourse comprehension. Cognitive Science, 29(6), 1045-1060. Robertson, J. and Good, J. (2003). “Using a Collaborative Virtual Role-Play Environment to Foster Characterisation in Stories”. Journal of Interactive Learning Research. 14 (1). Sacks, Schegloff & Jefferson (1974). "A Simplest Systematics for the Organization of Turn-taking for Conversation". Language 50(4), 696-735. Schegloff, E. & Sacks, H. (1973). "Opening up closings". Semiotica (8), pp. 289-327. Schiffrin, Deborah. (1987). "Oh as a Marker of Discourse Management," in Discourse Markers. Cambridge University Press. Excerpt reprinted in Jaworski, A. & Coupland, N. (1999) The Discourse Reader. New York, NY: Routledge. Schiffrin, Deborah. (1987). Discourse Markers. Cambridge University Press.Schiffrin, Deborah (1994). Approaches to Discourse. Blackwell Publishers. Schober, M., & Brennan, S. (2003). Processes of interactive spoken discourse: The role of the partner. In A. Graesser, M. Gernsbacher & S. Goldman (Eds.), The Handbook of Discourse Processes (pp. 123-164). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. Snow, C. (1983). Literacy and language: Relationships during the preschool years. Harvard Educational Review, 53, 165-189. Steedman, Mark. (2003) "Information-Structural Semantics for English Intonation." Paper to LSA Summer Institute Workshop on Topic and Focus, Santa Barbara July 2001, Draft 2.2, May, for comments. Stone, Matthew. (2004). "Communicative intentions and conversational processes in human-human and human-computer dialogue." To appear in Trueswell and Tanenhaus, eds., World-Situated Language Use, to be published by MIT, 2004. Stone, Matthew. (2004). "Intention, interpretation and the computational structure of language." Cognitive Science 28(5), 2004. Svennevig, J. (1999). Getting Acquainted in Conversation. Philadephia, John Benjamins. Talmy, L. (1983). 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Walker, M.; Cahn, J.; Whittaker, S. (1996). "Linguistic Style Improvisation for Lifelike Computer Characters". Proceedings of AAAI96 Workshop on AI, Alife and Entertainment. Walker, M.; Litman, D.; Kamm, C. and Abella, A. (1997). "PARADISE: A Framework for Evaluating Spoken Dialogue Agents". Proceedings of the 35th Annual Meeting of the ACL and 8th European Conference of the European Chapter of the ACL, 7-12 July Madrid, pp. 271-280. Whittaker, S., Walker, M., and Moore, J.. (2002). "Fish or Fowl: A Wizard of Oz Evaluation of Dialogue Strategies in the Restaurant Domain." In Proceedings of Language Resources and Evaluation Conference 2002. Wang, A., & Cassell, J. (2003, June 6-8, 2003). Co-authoring, Corroborating, Criticizing:Collaborative Storytelling for Literacy Learning. Paper presented at theVienna Workshop '03: Educational Agents - More than Virtual Tutors, Vienna, Austria. Williams, J., & Young, S. (2007). 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