Cues for Discourse Structure
Cassell†, Yukiko I. Nakano†, Timothy W. Bickmore†,
L. Sidner‡, and Charles Rich‡
†MIT Media Laboratory
20 Ames Street
Cambridge, MA 02139
{justine, yukiko, bickmore}
‡Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories
201 Broadway
Cambridge, MA 02139
{sidner, rich}
This paper addresses the issue of designing embodied
conversational agents that exhibit appropriate posture shifts during dialogues
with human users. Previous research has
noted the importance of hand gestures, eye gaze and head nods in conversations
between embodied agents and humans. We present an analysis of human monologues
and dialogues that suggests that postural shifts can be predicted as a function
of discourse state in monologues, and discourse and conversation state in
dialogues. On the basis of these findings, we have implemented an embodied
conversational agent that uses Collagen in such a way as to generate postural