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Course Number: COMM ST 395-0
Winter 2004
Lecture: TTh 12:30-1:50pm,
  Room: Searle 2-115
Lab: T 6-8pm, Room: Searle 2-115

Professor Justine Cassell


notice: this syllabus is subject to change without notice.
It is your responsibility to check the website often for changes to the readings or assignments

Class Reading Lab/Dates of Note

Unit One:

I. Tuesday January 6

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Lab: AI

II. Thursday January 8

General Issues

- Henry Jenkins, "Childhood Innocence and Other Modern Myths" CCR
- William Kessen, "The American Child and Other Cultural Inventions"
- Jean Briggs, "Eskimo Family Life"


III. Tuesday January 13

The Historical Evolution of Childhood


- Phillippe Aries, "From Immodesty to Innocence" CCR
- Viviana A. Zelizer, "From Useful to Useless: Moral Conflict Over Child Labor" CCR


Lab: Remainder of Truffaut's Wild Child, & discussion

IV. Thursday January 15

The Developing Child


- Erik Erikson, "Toys and Reason" and "Eight Ages of Man";
- Lev Vygotsky, "Tool and Symbol in Child Development";
- Jean Briggs "Conflict Management & Socialization among Canadian Inuit"


V. Tuesday January 20

Children in Cross-Cultural Perspective


- Theodore Zeldin, "How to Interpret the Anger of Teenagers" and "How Children Deal With Their Parents"
Joseph Tobin, David Wu, Dana Davidson, Preschool in Three Cultures: Japan, China, and the United States
Lab: Preschool in 3 Cultures, Margaret Mead on French Childhood

Unit Two:
Play and Fantasy

VI. Thursday January 22
Case Study of Barbie

(guest speaker!)

- Erica Rand, "Older Heads on Younger Bodies" CCR
- Nancie Martin interview B/MK
- Albert Magro, Why Barbie is perceived as Beautiful
- Lynn Spigel, Barbies without Ken: Femininity, Feminism and the Art-Culture System

Observation Assignment due
VII. Tuesday January 27
The Commercialization of Children's Culture

- Heather Hendershot, "Action For (and Against) Children's Television"
- Ellen Seiter, "Children's Desires/Mother's Dilemmas" CCR
- Gene Del Vecchio, "Touch the Boy's Psyche" and "Touch the Girl's Psyche"

-Look at kids TV commercials website

Lab: Barbie Liberation Organization & Twist Barbie


XII. Thursday January 29
Play and Reality

- D.W. Winnicott, "Playing: A Theoretical Statement" and "The Location of Cultural Experience"
- Gregory Bateson, "A Theory of Play and Fantasy"
-Phillipe Aries, "A Modest Contribution to the History of Games and Pastimes"

- Fernanda Moore, "Little Boy Pink"
- Walt Kelly, "Pogo Primer For Parents"
- Libby Purves, "Time to move beyond 'boys will be boys'

Unit Three:
Sexuality and Gender

VIII. Tuesday February 3
Responding to Children's Sexuality

- Sigmund Freud, Three Essays on the Theory of Sexuality

Lab: La Vie en Rose

IX. Thursday February 5 Present Artifacts

Student Presentations:

X. Tuesday February 10
Gender and Non-Conformity


- Eve Sedgewick, "How to Bring Your Kids Up Gay" CCR
- Barrie Thorne, "Crossing the Gender Divide", Gender Play: Girls and Boys in School CCR
- David Sedaris "I Like Guys" (listen to this online: follow link and and search for essay title in the "Cruelty of Children" show that was broadcast 6/21/96; Episode 27)

Lab: videogames (Barbie Fashion Designer, Purple Moon)
XI. Thursday February 12
The Girls Game Movement

- Justine Cassell and Henry Jenkins, "Chess for Girls?" B/MK
- Interview with Brenda Laurel B/MK
- Game Grrls B/MK
- Henry Jenkins, "From Barbie to Mortal Kombat: Further Reflections,"

Unit Four:
Children and Computers

XV. Tuesday February 17

Computers and Childhood

- The Alliance for Childhood, "Fool's Gold: A Critical Look at Computers in Childhood"
- Sherry Turkle, Cyborg babies and Cy-doug-plasm: Ideas about self and life in the culture of simulation.

- Kaiser Family Foundation, Kids and Media at the New Millennium and charts

- Ellen Wartella & Nancy Jennings, Children and Computers: New Technology—Old Concerns. (optional)

Lab: Web Sites For Kids




XIII. Thursday February 19
Children as Technologists

- Seymour Papert & Gaston Caperton, Vision for Education: The Caperton-Papert Platform
- Mitch Resnick., Amy Bruckman, and Fred Martin "Pianos Not Stereos: Creating Computational Construction Kits"
- Justine Cassell "Genderizing HCI"



XIV. Tuesday February 24

Children Online

(Guest Speaker!)


- Jon Katz, "The Rights of Children"
- Don Tapscott, "The N-Gen Mind"
- Amy Bruckman "Community Support for Constructionist Learning"
- Justine Cassell "We Have these Rules Inside": The Effects of Exercising Voice in a Children's Online Forum"

Paper due
Unit Five:
Stories for and by Children
XVI. Thursday February 26
From Folk Tales to Children's Literature

- Robert Darnton, "Peasants Tell Tales"
- Bettelheim "Uses of Enchantment" + Grimm's "Hansel & Gretel", and "Snow White"

XVI. Tuesday March 2
Children as Storytellers

- Carolyn Steedman, "The Tidy House" CCR
- Peggy Miller et al., "Narrative Practices and the Social Construction of Self in Childhood";
- Kimiko Ryokai, Catherine Vaucelle, & Justine Cassell, Virtual Peers as Partners in Storytelling and Literacy Learning

Lab: Harry Potter



Unit Six:
Moral and Political Issues

XVII. Thursday March 4
Colonialism & Political Issues of Childhood

(guest speaker!)

- Elizabeth Chin, Children Out of Bounds in Globalising Times
- Lawrence Kohlberg, "Moral Stages and Moralization: The Cognitive-Developmental Approach" (Chapter 2) and "The Six Stages of Justice Judgement" (Appendix A)
XVIII. Tuesday March 9
Violence and Child's Play
- Joanne Cantor, "'But it's Only Make Believe': Fantasy, Fiction and Fear"
- Gerald Jones, "Vampire Slayers"
XIX. Thursday March 11

Presentations of Final Projects

Please fill out the CTEC course evaluation !!

projects due