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Course Number: COMM ST 395
Winter 2010
Lecture: TTh 2-3:30pm
  Room: Searle 1-421
Lab: Thursdays 6-8pm

Professor Justine Cassell
Office hours: by appointment

TA: Zeina Atrash
Office hours: by appointment


This is where you will find the bibliography with full citation information for the class readings, as well as for other useful readings, and a list of helpful web resources.


AriËs, Philippe (1998) "From Immodesty to Innocence" in Henry Jenkins (ed.) The Children's Culture Reader, pp.41 - 57. New York University Press, New York, NY.

AriËs, Philippe. (1962) "A modest Contribution the History of Toys and Games" in ACenturies of Childhood: A Social History of Family Life. New York: Vintage Books.

Bateson, Gregory (1976). "A Theory of Play and Fantasy" in Brunner, Jolly & Sylva (eds.) Play: Its Role in Development and Evolution, Basic Books, New York, NY.

Bettelheim, Bruno (1975). "Fear of Fantasy, " "Hansel and Gretel," "The Jealous Queen in 'Snow White' and the Myth of Oedipus," and "Snow White" in The Uses of Enchantment: The Meaning and Importance of Fairy Tales, pp.116-123; pp.159-166; pp.194-199; pp.199-215 (resp.) Vintage Books, New York, NY.

Briggs, Jean. "Conflict Management & Socialization Among Canadian Inuit." Delivered at: Institute of Eskimology, Copenhagen, May 1993.

Briggs, Jean (1974). "Chapter 5: Eskimo Family Life." in Raymond Prince and Dorothy Barrier (eds.) Configurations: Biological and Cultural Factors in Sexuality and Family Life, pp. 71-77. Lexington Books, Lexington, MA.

Bruckman, Amy (1998) "Community Support for Constructionalist Learning" in CSCL 7:47-86. (http://www.cc.gatech.edu/%7Easb/papers/cscw.html)

Buckingham, David and Julian Sefton Green. "'Gotta Catch 'Em All': Structure, Agency and Pedagogy in Children's Media Culture" (Working Paper)

Cantor, Joanne (1998) "'But it's only Make-Believe': Fantasy, Fiction and Fear" in Mommy, I'm Scared : How TV and Movies Frighten Children and What We Can Do to Protect Them.

Cassell, Justine. (in press). "Genderizing HCI." In J. Jacko and A. Sears (eds.), The Handbook of Human-Computer Interaction. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum. (http://www.soc.northwestern.edu/justine/jc_papers.htm)

Cassell, Justine. (in press). "We Have these Rules Inside": The Effects of Exercising Voice in a Children's Online Forum. In S. Calvert, R. Cocking and A. Jordan (eds.), Children in the Digital Age. New York, Praeger Press. (http://www.soc.northwestern.edu/justine/jc_papers.htm)

Cassell, Justine and Jenkins, Henry (1998). "Chess for Girls? Feminism and Computer Games" in Cassell & Jenkins (eds.) in From Barbie to Mortal Kombat: Gender and Computer Games, pp. 2 - 46. The MIT Press, Cambridge, MA.

Cassell, J. and Ryokai, K. (2001). "Making Space for Voice: Technologies to Support Children's Fantasy and Storytelling." Personal Technologies 5(3): 203-224. (http://www.soc.northwestern.edu/justine/jc_papers.htm)

Collodi, Carlo (1996). The Adventures of Pinnochio. Tor Books, New York, NY.

Cordes, Colleen and Edward Miller (eds.) (1999). "Fools Gold: A Critical Look at Computers in Childhood," Alliance for Childhood.

Crain, W. (1992). Theories of Development: Concepts and Applications (3rd ed.). Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall.

Crane, Lucy (translator) "Hansel and Gretel" and "Snow White" in Household Stories from the Collection of the Bros. Grimm. Avenel Books, New York, NY.

Darnton, Robert (1985). "Peasants Tell Tales" in The Great Cat Massacre: And Other Episodes in French Cultural History. Random House, New York, NY.

Del Vecchio, Gene (1997) "Touch the Boy's Psyche" in Creating Ever-Cool: A Marketer's Guide to a Kid's Heart. Pelican Publishing Company, Gretna, LA.

Del Vecchio, Gene (1997) "Touch the Girl's Psyche" in Creating Ever-Cool: A Marketer's Guide to a Kid's Heart. Pelican Publishing Company, Gretna, LA.

du Cille, Ann (1996). Skin Trade, esp. pp. 9-40. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA.

Eisenberg, Mike & Eisenberg, Ann (2000). "The Developing Scientist as Craftsperson"
In N. Roberts and W. Feurzeig, and B. Hunter (eds). Computer Modeling and Simulation in Pre-College Science Education. Springer-Verlag.

Eisenberg, M., Buechley, L., & Elumeze, N. (2004) "Computation and Construction Kits: Toward the Next Generation of Tangible Building Media for Children" In Proceedings of Cognition and Exploratory Learning in the Digital Age (CELDA) , Lisbon, Portugal, December.

Erikson, Erik H. (1963). "Eight Ages of Man", in Childhood and Society, pp. 247 - 274. W.W. Norton & Company Inc. New York, NY.

Erikson, Erik H. (1963). "Toys and Reasons" in Childhood and Society, pp. 21 - 108. W.W. Norton & Company Inc. New York, NY.

Formanek-Brunell, Miriam (1998). "The Politics of Dollhood in Nineteenth-Century America" in Henry Jenkins (ed.) The Children's Culture Reader, pp. 363-381. New York University Press, New York, NY.

Freud, Sigmund (1949/2000). Three Essays on the Theory of Sexuality. Basic Books, New York, NY.

Garber, Marjorie (1997). "Fear of Flying or Why is Peter Pan a Woman?" in Vested Interests: Cross-Dressing and Cultural Anxiety. Routledge Press, New York, NY.

Gilligan, Carol (1993) "Woman's Place in a Man's Life Cycle" in In a Different Voice: Psychological Theory and Women's Development, pp. 5 - 23. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA.

Glos, Jennifer and Goldin, Shari (1998). "An Interview with Brenda Laurel (Purple Moon) in Cassell & Jenkins (eds.) in From Barbie to Mortal Kombat: Gender and Computer Games, pp. 118 - 135. The MIT Press, Cambridge, MA.

Glos, Jennifer and Goldin, Shari (1998). "An Interview with Nancie S. Martin (Mattel) in Cassell & Jenkins (eds.) in From Barbie to Mortal Kombat: Gender and Computer Games, pp. 136 - 151. The MIT Press, Cambridge, MA.

Hendershot, Heather (1998) " Action for (and against) Children's Television: "Militant Mothers" and the Tactics of Television Reform" in Saturday Morning Censors: Television Regulation before the V-Chip, p. 61 - 94. Duke University Press, Durham, NC.

Higgonet, Anne (1998). "Photographs Against the Law" in Pictures of Innocence : the History and Crisis of Ideal Childhood. Thames & Hudson, New York, NY.

Ito, M. (2003-2004). Technologies of the Childhood Imagination. SSRC Items and Issues, 4(4), 31-34.

James, Allison (1998). "Confections, Concoctions, and Conceptions" in Henry Jenkins (ed.) The Children's Culture Reader, pp. 394 - 405. New York University Press, New York, NY.

Jenkins, Henry (1998). "Childhood Innocence and Other Modern Myths" in Henry Jenkins (ed.) The Children's Culture Reader, pp. 1 - 40. New York University Press, New York, NY.

Jenkins, Henry (1998). "'Complete Freedom of Movement': Computer Games as Gendered Playspaces" in From Barbie to Mortal Kombat: Gender and Computer Games. The MIT Press, Cambridge, MA.

Jenkins, Henry (2001). "From Barbie to Mortal Kombat: Further Reflections" (http://culturalpolicy.uchicago.edu/conf2001/papers/jenkins.html)

Jenkins, Henry (1998). "The Sensuous Child: Benjamin Spock and the Sexual Revolution" in Henry Jenkins (ed.) The Children's Culture Reader, pp. 209 - 230. New York University Press, New York, NY.

Jenkins, Henry (Forthcoming) "No Matter How Small: The Democratic Imagination of Dr. Seuss" in Jenkins, McPherson & Shattuc (eds.) Hop on Pop: The Politics and Pleasures of Popular Culture.

Jenkins, Henry (1998). "Voices from the Combat Zone: Game Grrlz Talk Back" in From Barbie to Mortal Kombat: Gender and Computer Games, pp. 328 - 349. The MIT Press, Cambridge, MA.

Jones, Gerald (2001) "Vampire Slayers" (http://culturalpolicy.uchicago.edu/conf2001/papers/jones.html)

Katz, Jon (1997) "The Rights of Children" in Virtuous Reality; How America Surrendered Discussion of Moral Values to Opportunists, Nitwits, and Blockheads Like William Bennett. Random House, New York, NY.

Kessen, William (1979). "The American Child and Other Cultural Inventions" American Psychologist, 34(10): 815-820.

Kohl, Herbert (1995) "Shall we Burn Babar?" in Should We Burn Babar?: Essays on Children's Literature and the Power of Stories, pp. 3 - 29. New Press, New York, NY.

Kohlberg, Lawrence (1984) "Moral Stages and Moralization: The Cognitive-Developmental Approach" (Chapter 2) in Essays on Moral Development, Vol. II: The Psychology of Moral Development, pp. 170 - 206. Harper & Row Publishers, San Francisco, CA.

Kohlberg, Lawrence (1984) "The Current Formulation of the Theory" (Chapter 3) in Essays on Moral Development, Vol. II: The Psychology of Moral Development. Harper & Row Publishers, San Francisco, CA.

Kohlberg, Lawrence (1984) "The Six Stages of Justice Judgment" (Appendix A) in Essays on Moral Development, Vol. II: The Psychology of Moral Development. Harper & Row Publishers, San Francisco, CA.

Kuznets, Lois Rostow (1994). "On the Couch with Calvin, Hobbes, and Willie the Pooh" in When Toys Come Alive : Narratives of Animation, Metamorphosis, and Development. Yale University Press, New Haven, CT.

Miller, Peggy et. al. (1990) "Narrative Practices and the Social Construction of Self in Childhood". In American Ethnologist, 17(2): 292 - 311.

Mukerji, Chandra, "Monsters and Muppets: The History of Childhood and Techniques of Cultural Analysis"

Papert, Seymour (1980). "Introduction" in Mindstorms: Children, Computers, and Powerful Ideas. Basic Books, New York, NY.

Papert, Seymour (1980). "Chapter 3" in Mindstorms: Children, Computers, and Powerful Ideas. Basic Books, New York, NY.

Papert, S. & Caperton, G. (1999). Vision for Education: The Caperton-Papert Platform. Essay was written for the 91st annual National Governors' Association meeting held in St. Louis, Missouri in August of 1999.

Piaget, J. (1962). Play, Dreams, and Imitation in Childhood. New York, W. W. Norton and Company.

Pribilsky, Jason (2001). "Nervios and 'Modern Childhood': Migration and shifting context of child life in the Ecuadorian Andes" in Childhood, vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 251-273.

Rand, Erica (1998). "Older Heads on Younger Bodies" in Henry Jenkins (ed.) The Children's Culture Reader, pp. 382-393. New York University Press, New York, NY.

Resnick, Mitchel, Bruckman, A., and Martin, F. (1996). "Pianos not Stereos: Creating Computational Construction Kits" in Interactions, vol. 3, no. 6.

Rogoff, B. (2003). The Cultural Nature of Human Development. Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press.

Rose, Jacqueline S. (1998). "The Case of Peter Pan: The Impossibility of Children's Fiction" in Henry Jenkins (ed.) The Children's Culture Reader, pp. 58-66. New York University Press, New York, NY.

Rotundo, E. Anthony. (1998) "Boy Culture" in Henry Jenkins (ed.) The Children's Culture Reader, pp. 337 - 362. New York University Press, New York, NY.

Rousseau, Jean Jacques (1961). "Book One" in Šmile. Translated by Barbara Foxley. E.P. Dutton & Co. New York, NY.

Rowlings, J.K. (1998). Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. Arthur A. Levine Books, New York, NY.

Sammond, Nicholas (1999). "Manufacturing the American Child: Child-rearing and the Rise of Walt Disney" in Continuum.

Sedgwick, Eve Kosofsky (1998). "How to Bring Your Kids Up Gay" in Henry Jenkins (ed.) The Children's Culture Reader, pp. 231 - 240. New York University Press, New York, NY.

Seiter, Ellen (1998). "Children's Desires/Mothers' Dilemmas: The Social Contexts of Consumption" in Henry Jenkins (ed.) The Children's Culture Reader, pp. 297 - 317. New York University Press, New York, NY.

Spigel, Lynn (2001) "Barbies wtihout Ken" in Welcome to the Dreamhouse: Popular Media and Postwar Suburbs (Console-Ing Passions). Duke University Press,

Steedman, Carolyn (1998). "The Tidy House" in Henry Jenkins (ed.) The Children's Culture Reader, pp. 431 - 455. New York University Press, New York, NY.

Stephenson, Neal (1996) The Diamond Age: or, Young Lady's Illustrated Primer. Bantam Books, New York, NY.

Tapscott, Don (1999) "The N-Gen Mind" in Growing up Digital. McGraw-Hill, New York, NY.

Tatar, Maria (1998) "'Violent Delights' in Children's Literature" in Jeffrey H. Goldstein (ed.) Why We Watch: The Attractions of Violent Entertainment, pp. 69 - 87. Oxford University Press, New York, NY.

Thorne, Barrie (1993) "Crossing the Gender Divide" in Gender Play: Girls and Boys in School. Rutgers University Press, New Brunswick, NJ.

Vygotsky, L.S. (1978). "Tool and Symbol in Child Development" in Michael Cole et al. (eds.) Mind in Society, pp. 19 - 30. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA.

Wartella, E.A. & Jennings, N. (Fall/Winter 2000). Children and Computers: New TechnologyóOld Concerns. The Future of Children: Children and Computer Technology, 10(2).

Winnicott, D.W. (1986). "Playing: A Theoretical Statement" in Playing and Reality, pp. 38 - 52. Tavistock Publications, New York, NY.

Winnicott, D.W. (1986). "The Location of Cultural Experience" in Playing and Reality, pp. 95 - 103. Tavistock Publications, New York, NY.

Wolf, Shelby Anne and Heath, Shirley Brice (1998). "Living in a World of Words" in Henry Jenkins (ed.) The Children's Culture Reader, pp. 406 - 430. New York University Press, New York, NY.

Zeldin, Theodore (1983). "How to Interpret the Anger of Teenagers" in The French. Collins, London, UK.

Zeldin, Theodore (1983). "How Children deal with their Parents" in The French. Collins, London, UK.

Zelizer, Viviana A. (1998). "From Useful to Useless: Moral Conflict over Child Labor" in Henry Jenkins (ed.) The Children's Culture Reader, pp. 81 - 94. New York University Press, New York, NY.

Web Resources

The Future of Children web journal, published by the Packard Foundation

Materials for the Study of Childhood, located at Princeton University

Learning Styles Site, Indiana State University Center for Teaching & Learning

When They Were Young, A Photographic Retrospective of Childhood (Library of Congress)

Childhood in Literature, History and Culture resources (Prof. Carolyn Sigler, UMN)

Child Labor in America 1908-1912, the Photographs of Lewis W. Hine

"Children go Online",a project of the London School of Economics

The Children's Digital Media Center, including our own Barbara O'Keefe