[Summary ] [Schedule ] [Assignments] [Bibliography] [Resources] [Blog] [TwiKi]

Course: EECS 395, Comm.Studies 395, EECS 495, and Comm. Studies 525
Term: Spring 2008Credit: 3
When: Wed 2:00 - 4:50 PM
Where: Searle 2-115
Professor Justine Cassell

Some relevant websites and other resources (in no particular order)

http://www.autismcollaborative.org/ good compendium of information

http://www.cs.rochester.edu/~kautz/Courses/290Bspring2008/index.html an interesting class including information on technology and autism)


http://www.grandin.com/inc/mind.web.browser.html (Temple Grandin's article on how her mind works)

http://www.wired.com/wired/archive/9.12/aspergers.html (Are geeks more likely to be on the spectrum??)

http://www.portiaiversen.com/blog.html (Portia Iverson is the author of Strange Son, and one of the founders of Cure Autism Now)

Social and Communication Development in Autism Spectrum Disorders : Early Identification, Diagnosis, and Intervention (an e-book, available when you're logged in to NU Libraries)

Neurodiversity Weblog (an excellent blog with many many resources and invaluable links, by people on the spectrum)

Autistics.org website (also good list of resources, books & articles, prepared by people with autism)

Autism Resources Website (page may have disappeared)

Nancy Lurie Marks Family Foundation page on autism (good list of books by people with ASD)

Yale Developmental Disabilities Clinic info page on Aspergers (Is Asperger a kind of autism?)